Wednesday, July 20, 2011

so i'm getting terrible at blogging more than once a week haha. revivals have been so crazy busy tho.. and i know almost all of my blogs start off like this.. but its been that busy haha. i guess i will start updating since friday (:
after i got off work i headed straight to the cmg to meet up with hil, bail, and kenzie so we could go to little rosie's for ben and britney's party. after we got there, it was So crowded.. me and bail first decided we would sit on one end. then we decided to move down to the other end by blake. then i finally ended up near the middle by ben.. after i asked permission from bail to leave her haha. our end of the table was definitely being ridiculously loud.. me and james kept telling everybody to eat the nasty green hot sauce.. then the red lol. it was really funny.. bc i'm pretty sure like everyone did. we were trying to get garrett to try it and we kept saying you won't do it! you chicken! and he was like i was going to anyway! lol i agree with april, i was Not impressed by rosie's.. idk just not my cup of tea i guess. add that to the list next to sweet cece's lol. we all ended up outside for forever.. took a few pics.. watched hilary plank and isaac and some of the guys go bush diving lol.. then headed to mc d's. why else, but for bail to get her rolo mcflurry fix. i finally tried it and wasnt so impressed with it either. so i settled for my vanilla cone (: after we talked there for awhile we headed back to hil's where we stayed up forever. hil definitely passed out mid me telling a story to april haha so we headed to the kitchen to find bail. we stayed up forever talking, dancing, eating (what else? lol) and just being our normal hyper self. we eventually headed back to hil's room where i complained about having to crawl into the cocoon space hil and bail left for me on the bed lol.
i woke up way before everyone else.. of course. this almost Always happens to me. so i decided to be productive and go walk on the treadmill and watch bachelorette haha. if that isn't a good morning, idk what id (: after everyone finally started waking up we started to get around to go eat. i had asked ben at rosie's if he wanted to go eat sat and he was like let's go to pf changs, i have gift cards! haha and of course we were up for it... its for sure one of my fave places to eat. hil had to bail on us so she could have some bf time, so it was just me bail and april. when we got there, they said it was gonna be like a 45 min wait, so we decided to walk down to papaya to look for me some black shoes. on the way there i was like okay bail we have to go straight to the shoes and hurry.. and she definitely gave me a look like i was an idiot. i'm pretty sure she mentioned how many hangy shirts they have in there, which is her 2nd greatest weakness, next to a rolo mcflurry haha. we actually made it back in time right after they got seated, which was great because we thought we were starving haha. me bail and april pretty much just had a little party on our end of the table haha. we were being sooo hyper. at one point me and bail was just making random noises haha. after some Amazing food, us three headed to parkway for me to get shoes and some perfume. me and april headed back after that so we could get ready for church. i honestly don't remember what i done after that haha so i'll move on to sunday (:
i got up super early because i had this grand plan to go to cvs in sboro before church to coupon. i have a little bit of an obsession with it.. i already have a huge container full of stuff. but when i got there i found out it didnt even open till one. one! the one in trenton opens at 10. i was pretty sad. so i just went to jay's to wait around till church time haha. church was so good! we had one make it sun morning, then three sunday night. it was amazing! after church we went over to the park. i sat and talked to erik for forever for some good old aragaki advice haha. we were so deep in convo we didnt even realize for a little while people were like up shouting at the baseball field haha. me and jay finally headed back to her house.. i knew i had to get up real early for work but of course we sat up talking for forever. i definitely fell asleep several times mid convo haha.
after i barely dragged my self into work and barely made it thru the day haha i hung around in scottsboro for awhile then headed to jay's. she has been really sick.. with idk what really.. we think it might be an allergic reaction? so i stopped at got her some candy on the way home because i'm such a good friend (:  i was So tired at church. i ended up not even going with the young kids. i was determined to actually get in bed before 3 am lol. i ended up making it in bed a little after 12, so i'm pretty proud of myself.
after work (my last day till friday thank the Lord lol) i hung around in scottsboro again for awhile then headed back to jay's. we basically just laid around being lazy till the girls started showing up and we started getting ready. we actually all made it there about 30 mins early which is probably a holiness girl record haha. after church we headed back to the park for awhile then me, jordan, hannah, and jessica came back here. which is where i am now, posting from one of my fave places to be (: so i think i will get off here so i can go downstairs and eat at 1 am haha. lots of love,
here's some random pics (:

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